EUROLEGUME and LEGATO final conference in Novi Sad, Serbia, 26.-28.09.2017.
International conference “Advances in grain legume breeding, cultivation and uses for more competitive value-chain” was held from 27th – 28th September in Novi Sad, Serbia. It was final conference of projects EUROLEGUME and LEGATO funded by the European Union 7FP Programme. It gathered about 150 participants from 15 countries and 18 of our cooperation partners. Before the conference, on September 26th EUROLEGUME General Assembly Meeting took place. Work package and task leaders including AREI Lead Researcher and coordinator of project WP2 part Dr. agr. Arta Kronberga, presented evaluation of the third year 2nd semester and fourth year’s activities and achievements. Mg. biol. Lāsma Rābante took place in conference with poster report “Yield stability in faba beans (Vicia faba) under different growing conditions in Northern Europe’’ and Līga Zaharāne with poster report ”Local Latvian grey pea morphological and quality characteristics”. Results of study “Legume – cereals mixtures for the economical overall benefit” (authors Dr. agr. Līvija Zariņa, Mg. agr. Aija Vaivode and Mg. agr. Ilona Alekse) was also presented in poster session.