LIVESEED Project experts visit Baltic States
Experts from LIVESEED Project had visit to Baltic States from 5th to 12th September, 2017 and met authorities dealing with organic farming. The aim of the meetings was enquiring the situation on implementation of regulations on organic seed and to clarify how the data on produced seed are managed and used.
During the visit organic farmers were interviewed with the aim to get to know what motivates farmers to use organic seed.
Project experts thank all persons who supported the visit, provided the information and shared their expertise – authorities from the Ministries of Agriculture, people responsible for seed data bases, seed producers and representatives of organic farming associations and other stakeholders.
The experts participating in the visit and meetings were Ilze Skrabule, Ilze Dimante and Dace Maizīte (AREI, Latvia), Maaike Raaijmakers (Bionext, the Netherlands), Effimia Chatzinikolaou (IFOAM, Belgium), Freya Schaefer (FIBL, Germany).