Conference "Environment. Technology. Resources”
There was prepared also full original scientific paper for Scopus database indexed proceeding. See link
An International Scientific and Practical Conference ‘Environment. Technology. Resources” was held at the Rezekne Academy of Technologies June 15-17, 2017.The aim of this conference is to provide the platform for researchers to share the knowledge and ideas in the recent trends in the following disciplines: Enviroment and Resources, Information Technologies, Engineering Sciences and Production Technologies, etc.
The conference was attended by 130 delegates from 14 countries. About the results of the project EUROLEGUME (FP7-KBBE-2013-7) in frame of an oral presentation “Effectiveness of rhizobial strains on the faba bean development and yield in soddy podzolic soils “reported Dr.agr. Livija Zarina.
Presentation here.