EAPR (European Association for Potato Research) 20th Triennial Conference, Versailles, France
20th Triennial Conference of EAPR was held in Versailles, France from July 9 to July 14, 2017. Conference was attended by 430 participants from 51 countries. The most important event in Europe devoted to potato research gathers participants from all over the world.
Poster presentations „The composition of biologically active compounds in tubers of potato varieties and their effect on acrylamide formation results„ and “Genetic diveristy in Phytopgthora infestans populations collected form Latvian and Lithuanian potato fields” were presented by the leading researcher of AREI Dr. agr. Ilze Skrabule. Researcher Mg. sc. Ilze Dimante participated with the presentation “Potato in vitro plants density in greenhouse affects minitubers field value”.
Topics of the conference covered all main aspects on potato research, including breeding and genetics, pests and diseases, seed production. Workshop devoted to biocontrol for potato crop was attended by I. Skrabule, but I. Dimante participated in workshop „Seed potatoes research challenges”.
During the conference excursion researchers had a great opportunity to visit potato breeding station „Sipre” belonging to potato seed producers’ union, as well as potato seed production farm.
Ilze Skrabule, being EAPR Councillor in charge of the relation with the country representatives, gave a report about activities accomplished during past 3 years of the work.
New site of EAPR https://www.eapr.net/ and new logo of the association is live since the conference days.