Eucarpia Genetic Resources 2017 conference
Eucarpia Genetic Resources 2017 conference: “Crop diversification in a changing world” took place in France, Montpellier from May 8 to 11.
The conference united actors from PGR system users and targets: public research institutes; governmental bodies; private plant breeding companies and independent plant breeders; the commercial seed and plant production industries; public genebanks; farmers and seed producers; farmers’ associations; seed networks; NGOs; civil society organizations; and international organizations. Conference addressed issues with functionality of the PGR use system for both wild and cultivated plant genetic resources, conservation of PGR, crop impovement, seed availability, distribution, delivery, collaboration in plant breeding and marketing of diversity.
Ieva Mežaka presented results on description of pea genetic resources and identification of novel ways of processing selected genotypes with poster presentation “Bringing local genetic resources into new perspective: case of gray pea in Latvia”.